Infernal Dominion - Salvation Through Infinite Suffering
Posted 1/18/2009 by Leonardo in Marcadores: Death Metal
Genero : Death Metal
Origem : Usa
Ano : 2000
Tema : Satanism, Occultism, Mysticism
1.Rejoice In Ancient Wisdom
2.Purging Purity
3.Salvation Through Infinite Suffering
4.Embrace Thy Befallen Misery
5.Marching Through Waves of Holy Bloodtide
6.Gutted Children of Faith
7.Toward Infernal Dominion
8.So Far Gone
Origem : Usa
Ano : 2000
Tema : Satanism, Occultism, Mysticism
1.Rejoice In Ancient Wisdom
2.Purging Purity
3.Salvation Through Infinite Suffering
4.Embrace Thy Befallen Misery
5.Marching Through Waves of Holy Bloodtide
6.Gutted Children of Faith
7.Toward Infernal Dominion
8.So Far Gone
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