
Sextrash - Discografia

Posted 2/24/2009 by Leonardo in Marcadores: ,

Genero : Death/Thrash Metal
Origem : Brasil (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais)

Sexual Carnage

1. Intro
2. Psychoneurosis
3. Delirium Tremens
4. The Insatiable Pleasure of Delight
5. Seduced By Evil
6. Alcoholic Mosh
7. Obscene Symphony
8. Black Church
9. Night Pigs
10. Genital Tumor


Funeral Serenade

1. Intro
2. Funeral Serenade
3. Dead Man Visions
4. Bizarre
5. Wind Assassin
6. Prohibited Angels
7. Make Sex Not War
8. Torment Of A Suicide
9. Your Future


Rape from Hell

1. Suck Me
2. Brutal Sex
3. Chemical Orgy
4. Fuck in All
5. Possessed by Cruelty
6. Maze of the Damn Madness
7. Rape from Hell
8. Lust, Money and Violence
9. Obscure Doors
10. Sweet Suffering


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